Classical Chinese Medicine

A sophisticated system of holistic medicine, tried and tested over millennia, generation after generation.

Chinese Medicine, often referred to as TCM, has a broad scale prolonged use which has remained largely unchanged since the Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD); a concentrated period of 400 years where most of the medical information was compiled.

It has a wide range of treatment options including Acupuncture, Herbalism, Moxibustion, Cupping, Tui Na physical therapy, Qi Gong and Tai Qi exercises as well as Dietary and Lifestyle advice.

This extremely personalised system has a broad scope of applicability including physical, psychological, spiritual, mental and emotional conditions. With a threefold focus on being curative, preventative and health promoting; it also has no barrier regarding age, sex, or condition of the patient.

With the growing volume modern evidence-based research into the efficacy of Chinese Medicine, it most recently became formally endorsed by the World Health Organisation.

In the hands of a fully trained and skilled practitioner, Chinese Medicine is a very safe and effective therapy.

The focus of this clinic is Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Moxibustion, Cupping Therapy, Dietary and Lifestyle advice.


Acupuncture & Moxibustion Treatment

Acupuncture treatment consists of inserting extremely fine needles, usually very superficially, into the surface of the skin.

We only use sterilised disposable needles of the highest quality.

Moxibustion is a gentle form of heat treatment that activates acupuncture points without a needle.

Each session takes about an hour. Treatment is based on the patient’s case history, symptoms and pulse and tongue diagnosis. Appointments are typically once a week, and thereafter less frequent if further treatment is needed.

Click here to read more about research using Acupuncture for specific conditions.

Chinese Herbal Medicine

Individualised Prescriptions

Chinese Herbal Medicine has a pharmacopeia of more than 300 herbs. Using the knowledge of their actions with the art of combining these into prescriptions means that each herbal formula is tailored to suit each individual case.

These prescriptions usually consist of 6-12 herbs which can be taken as an instant drink made from granules or more powerfully as a decoction cooked at home made from raw herbs.

Prescriptions need to be adjusted from time to time as symptoms change during the course of healing.

Click here to read more about research using Chinese Herbal Medicine for specific conditions.

Telehealth Consultations Now Available Online

Herbal Medicine consultations transfer seamlessly to an online platform. Herbal prescriptions are made ready for collection at your local pharmacy. This medium is ideal during these challenging times of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.

Long Covid Support

Individualised Herbal Prescriptions via Online Consultations.

Having undergone specialised training and being part of a group of experienced practitioners and researchers at The Jade Screen Project, a significant percentage of this clinic is currently focused on Long COVID recovery.

As consultations are entirely online, those who are self-isolating or too fatigued to leave their home can benefit from an individualised Chinese herbal formula that fits their current symptoms. Long COVID symptoms can continue for weeks or in some instances for many months. This includes breathlessness,  fatigue, fever, spontaneous sweating, headache, muscle ache, joint pain, palpitations, recurrent sore throat, insomnia, poor circulation, menstrual changes, ‘brain fog’, anosmia, anxiety, fear, grief and depression.

Although there is no cure for COVID-19 or Long COVID, the many and varied symptoms are nothing new. We welcome you to phone us if you have questions you would like to discuss before committing to an appointment.

Conveniently located in the heart of Zürich City.

A quiet clinic in 8008 Zürich.

About Me

Mandy Curran Lic.TCM, MSc

Mandy gained  a Licentiate in Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture (Lic.TCM) in 2005 from The Irish College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Dublin, Ireland. Being an affiliated College, this Licentiate is formally recognised as ‘bachelor degree level’ by the prestigious Guangzou Chinese Medicine University, China. Since graduation Mandy has been in private practice and has continued to completed a number of third level postgraduate courses. This includes a Master of Science Degree (MSc) in Chinese Herbal Medicine from The University of Westminster, London. Most recently she began a two year postgraduate Diploma in Chinese Herbal Medicine Dermatology.

Mandy has a special interest in dermatology, pain management, women´s health, respiratory and gastrointestinal disorders. She has experience treating a broad spectrum of conditions ranging from severely debilitating to chronic and acute. This includes but not exclusively the following conditions as described by patients;

  • all types of pain and sports injuries, chronic back-pain, headaches, migraine, whiplash; pre and post-surgical care, cardio-vascular disorders; emotional disorders including stress; post-stroke care; eating and dietary irregularities; congenital and acquired deficiencies;
  • gynaecological conditions, including pre-menstrual syndrome, dysmenorrhoea, endometriosis, menopausal symptoms;
  •   gastro-intestinal disorders, including irritable bowel syndrome, chronic constipation, ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease;
  • skin conditions, including dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, acne, rosacea, viral warts, herpes zoster, herpes simplex;
  • chronic fatigue syndromes, asthma, bronchitis, allergic rhinitis and sinusitis, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, type II diabetes, fibromyalgia, lupus.

The skills required to apply treatments successfully take years to master. Choosing the right practitioner is essential for patients to get the results they deserve. Patients can be rest assured that they will be in good hands.

Referrals from other acupuncturists and healthcare providers of their more challenging cases are welcomed.

Professional Register Membership

EMR Member and Approved Therapist
ErfahrungsMedizinisches Register, Switzerland

SNE Member and Approved Therapist
Stiftung für Naturheilkunde und Erfahrungsmedizin, Switzerland

RCHM Member
The Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine, Great Britain

AFPA Member
The Acupuncture Foundation Professional Association, Ireland

ETCMA Member
Both The RCHM and The AFPA and their members come under the umbrella of The European Traditional Chinese Medicine Association, EU

EHTPA Approved Herbalist
The European Herbal and Traditional Medicine Practitioners Association, EU


Chinese Herbal Medicine Research

Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) has a long-established tradition of hundreds of years of empirical evidence (based on observation) detailing its effectiveness. With biomedicine now being the dominant system of healthcare in most parts of the world, CHM has increasingly been subject to investigation using modern, evidence-based research. Many of these studies have produced robust scientific evidence indicating CHM to be an effective healthcare choice in the treatment of a wide range of conditions.

Please follow this link for research carried out using Herbal Medicine.

Acupuncture Research

The number of controlled trials for Acupuncture in the Cochrane Database now exceeds 14,000. Please select from the links below to find out more information about acupuncture research on the following conditions. Further research can be found here at Evidence Based Acupuncture.

Book an Appointment

New Patients:
Please telephone the office directly or use the ‘Contact Us’ form below to arrange your first appointment.
Acupuncture treatment costs CHF 160 per visit.
Telephone: 078 934 34 04 during normal office hours.

Existing Patients:
Please use the ‘Patient Login’ below to manage your appointments (reschedule, book or cancel) or alternatively telephone us directly.

Patient Login

Contact Us

Telephone: 078 934 34 04 during office hours or send us a message using the contact form below.
*All enquiries are answered by telephone.

Zurich Clinic